

Saturday 18 August 2007

Bharela Kerala / Stuffed Bitter Gourd

This is what we had for supper on Thursday.

6 -8 bitter gourds
1 cup gram (chickpea) flour
1 small onion; choped fine
1 large tomato; blanched, peeled and mashed
2 cloves garlic; minced
1/2 tspn salt
1/2 tspn tumeric powder
2 teaspn cumin/coriander powder
1 tspn mustard seeds
1/2 tspn cumin seeds

1. Add onions, garlic, tumeric and cumin/coriander powders to the gram flour, mix and then add enough water to make a fairly thick batter.

2. Make a slit in each kerala / bitter gourd without spliting into two, scoop all the seed out with a teaspoon. Stuff the space with batter.

3. Heat some oil in a large frying pan, add the mustard and cumin seeds, after they have popped, add the tomatoes, stir and cook for a few minutes, gently place all the stuffed kerala in the pan and cover. (reduce the heat)

4. After about 10 minutes, turn them over, and cover the pan again. Cook for about 25 minutes altogether. We had it with kadhi, kitchri and chapatis
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  1. thanks Trupti! Long time no see, I hope all is well with you

  2. Looks very different Saju.
    Does the bitter taste gets compensated ?

  3. almost, but you can still get a hint of bitter, which is nice.
    Good for me, what with my diabetes!

  4. Wow. Your site has blown me away. It's about a cuisine that I have never come across before and using ingredients that I am not familiar with at all!
    Loving the shock to the system. :)

  5. What a great dish! Sounds pretty hardy for a vegetarian dish as well.

  6. Okay, you can keep everything, just pass me the stuffed bitter gourd :)

  7. wonderful dish since i love bitter guard also, iam never had this style, i shall try next time thanks :)

  8. I love karela any which way cooked and yours looking inviting.....hey you changed the format of you blog from right to left? cool!

  9. I love bharwan karela. its my favorite. I too have one in my blog.

  10. I looooooove bharela karela.... amazing Saju and so is the lotus root sabzi... had it ages ago in Pune...

  11. I don't like bitter gourd but your recipe makes it look delicious!! I will try it soon!!

  12. Thanks Seemin, do try it is delicious, especialy with yougurt or khadi.
