

Monday 2 February 2015

Spinach in Groundnut and Simsim Sauce / Peanut and Sesame Sauce

Greens cooked in odii (groundnut paste) is typical of Acholi (Nilotic people, Uganda) dish.  Usually "Malakwang" (Hibiscus cannabinus) leaves are used for this dish.  These are slightly slippery and sour when cooked.  As these are not readily available in the UK, kale or spinach can be used. Okra can be added to give the slippery texture.

5 cups spinach; chopped finely
1 cup roasted blanched peanuts; ground
1 tablespoon sesame paster (tahini)
2 large tomatoes; chopped fine
3 cups water
salt and pepper

  1. Place the washed spinach in a saucepan without any water and let it steam for about 10 minutes.
  2. Add the ground peanut, sesame paste and tomatoes, mix well.
  3. Add the water, salt and pepper and bring to boil.  Simmer for 10 minutes.

Serve with mashed sweet potato or rice.

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