

Monday 1 December 2014

Topra Pak / Coconut Squares

8oz Butter
1 lb descicated coconut
8 oz whole milk powder (available in Indian grocery stores)
small (170-200ml) can evaporated milk
1 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom
1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
few drops pink colouring (optional)
2 tablespoons sliced almonds and pistachio nuts

1. Heat the butter, add the coconut, milk powder and sugar.
2. Mix thoroughly add the cardamom, nutmeg, evaporated milk and colour.
3. Decrease the heat and cook, constantly stirring or else it will stick.
3. As soon as mixture leaves the sides of the pan and butter can be seen, remove from heat/
4. Place and spread the mixture on a 10X10 inch tray, smooth the top using a greased spoon.
5. Garnish with the nuts and leave until completely cooled (4 hours).
6. Cut into square or diamond shapes using a greased knife and remove carefully


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