

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Quick Gajjar jo Athano / Carrot Relish / Pickle

2 lb of carrots (about 8 medium carrots); julienned into thin strips
20 green chillies; split into two 
8 cloves of garlic; minced
1/2 cup (125mls) oil
3 table spoons tomato puree
3 teaspoons ground red chillies
1/2 teaspoon tumeric

1. Add half the salt to the carrot strips, and spread the carrots on a tea towel, leave for a couple of hours or overnight.
2.  Add the other half of salt to the green chillies, spread on a tea towel, and leave for a couple of hours or overnight.
3. Heat the oil in a saucepan, add the garlic, saute until light brown.
4. Add the tomato puree, stir for about 5 minutes
5. Add the tumeric and powdered red chillies and cook for a few minutes.
6. Cool, add the carrots and the green chillies and mix well.
Serve as a side, Enjoy.
Will keep for at least 2 weeks in the Fridge.
Ours usually is gone within 3 days!!


  1. Thank you MBLS, it tastes even better.

  2. BTW I love your blog, keep writing.

  3. Slurp tongue tickling carrot pickle..

  4. I remember the good old days when we used to have khusyali celebrations in khane and this gajjar athano would be served. Its been years now that i havent had it as i moved to another country...thanks for sharing! Your recipes are superb!!!

  5. Shez, yes those were the good old days, in Kampala, the khushiali dinner comprised of akhni (ghos pilau) in huge platters placed on the floor on white cotton sheets. Served with ladu, ghatia and gajjar athano. Oh and mustn't forget the sherbert! Oh and the boy scout band.....
