

Sunday 17 January 2010

Ringra, mutter ne bateta jo shaak / Spicy Aubergine, peas and potatoes

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2 medium onions; chopped fine
4-5 cloves garlic; minced
3 inch ginger; grated
4-5 green chillies; minced
1 400g tin peeled tomatoes; liquidised
2 large aubergines; cubed
2 large potatoes; cubed
1 cup peas
1 teaspn cumin seeds
1/2 tspn mustard seeds
2 heaped teaspns cumin/coriander powder
1/2 tspn turmeric
2 tablespoons oil
Salt to taste

1. Heat the oil in a large pan, add the cumin and mustard seeds. After they have popped add the onion and fry until golden brown.
2. Add the tomatoes, garlic, ginger and chillies, decrease the heat and cook for 7-8 minutes, until it is like a thick sauce, then add the cumin, coriander and tumeric powders, and mix and cook for a few minutes.
3. Add the potatoes, mix so the potatoes are coated with the tomato sauce, cover and cook about 7-8 minutes. Then add the aubergines and peas mix.
4. Cover and cook for about 15-20 minutes until the potatoes and the aubergine is cooked.
Serve with
bajra rotla, puris, or chapati


  1. Hello Saju, i make the eggplant and potatoes dish very commonly, with a thick gravy and was thinking of the same for dinner, will try it your way now with peas and garlic tonight.

  2. YUM. Saju, spicy Baingal is always my fave veg and dish to make. Looks mouthwatering! :))

  3. Sounds so tasty with eggplant and potatoes, two of my favorites :)

  4. I love this website and its so good to see all the recipes of the old days that our mom's know. The pictures are an awesome addition. Please keep it up

  5. saju happy new year! a lovely recipe.

  6. saju, there is a small thank you for you in my latest post, about halfway wishes, shayma

  7. Thanks Shayma, I am flattered. The link is
    I too love reading your blog, and am also planning to attend creative writing evening classes next term. This term I am doing painting.

  8. I love this - this is just how my mum makes it. I was telling a friend just recently that your recipes are like having my nanima around to give me instructions, except that you give measurements rather than just "a bit of this..."
