

Wednesday 26 December 2007

Seekh Kebab

1 lb lean lamb mince
1 medium onion,
4 cloves garlic;
2 inches fresh ginger;
3 - 4 green chillies;
1/2 cup fresh chopped coriander
1/2 cup fresh chopped mint leaves
2 slices of bread
Juice of 2 limes
1/2 tspn garam masala
Salt to taste
red pepper / onions / coriander for garnish

1. Place the mince lamb in a bowl
2. Place the bread in a food processors to make fresh bread crumbs; add to the mince
3. Place the onions, garlic, ginger, chillies, coriander and mint leaves; lime juice in the food processor;
4. Grind and add to the the mince with the salt and garam masala. Mix
5. Place in the fridge for about an hour.
6. Divide the mixture into 20 lumps
7. wet hands and shape into long sausgages on the skewers; should be 4-5 inches long, place in bbq or grill
8. Grill or broil about 4 minutes on each side.
serve with finely chopped salad, mint raita and pitta bread
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  1. Yummy Yummy! Looks delicious. I am on break until the 1st, just wanted you wish a very Happy new year Saju! Enjoy!:))

  2. Hi Asha, Happy new year to you too. I have taken a big break, was in Dubai.

  3. Wish you a Very Happy NEW Year!
    the seekh is so delicous looking! i have to try this one for sure... thanks for the recipe!

  4. those kebabs look delecious saju happy holidays

  5. Perfect party food. Happy New Year. Is this included in the party menu??

  6. Ooooohhhh, I started getting hunger pangs looking at this! It's definitely a recipe to try this new year :)

  7. Gosh girl, you are really tempting me there with that lamb kebab.

    Happy new year to you and the family.

  8. They look sooo yummy !! :-)

  9. It looks delicious, I'm going to try it, thanks for sharing! I think i have taste it, but must off forgotten the taste… Why don't more people talk about the food?!

  10. Chachi,

    Tried your Potato Chops. Excellent !!! My hubby (& me)loved it. Thanks a lot for the yummy recipe.


  11. Hi, I just love all of your recipies. I am just getting started with my blog and would like you to have a look at it at:
    I would love to hear from you!!

  12. How do I search for a recipe to make Kebab's, the one that are round and fried?

    I make long one and bake them, but you can make round ones and you can fry them

  14. Hi Chachi,
    How do I search for a a particular item.

    Chachi fan

  15. Good information on Indian recipe. its quite different from other posts,,,,Thanks.. it looks amazing kathi roll & kebabs
