

Thursday 6 December 2007

Chicken Stuffed Paratha

We had roast chicken on Sunday, and whenever we have roast meat, we make stuffed paratha with the leftover meat. It is turkey at Christmas or Lamb after Eid.

This is what we had for supper on Tuesday night, with kadhi and kitchree, it was so yummy.



3 cups chapati flour

1/2 tspn salt

1 tblspoon oil

enough water to make bread like dough


2 cups left-over chicken (chopped fine)

¼ cup mint (chopped fine)

1/2 cup chopped spring onions

2 cloves garlic (minced)

½ inch ginger (minced)

2 finely chopped green chillies

¼ cup chopped mint leaves

½ cup chopped coriander leaves

salt to taste

1 teaspoon garam masala

1 table spoon Lea and Perrins Worcestershire Sauce.

1 tspn English mustard


Sieve the flour and salt together. Add the oil, rub it in so that it appears like crumbs

Slowly add the water to make a firm dough. Knead well, leave aside for 30 mins

Heat the chopped chicken in a pan with garlic, ginger, chillies and salt

Add Worcestershire sauce, mustard mix, and remove from heat when cooked, let it cool

Add garam masala, onions mint and coriander.

Divide the dough in 4 parts, further divide each portion into two and roll out to get a 7 inch diameter roti.

Place a heaped tablespoon of the chicken mix on the roti and spread evenly.

Place the other roti on top, seal the edges, and roll until it is about 7 inch diameter.

Place a little olive oil on a hot tava (frying pan)

Place the paratha carefully and fry both sides for couple of minutes each side.

Repeat until all the paratha are made.


  1. Hi Saju, before I could comment, I first bookmarked this post. Loved the step by step presentation. We use to enjoy this paratha, back home in Chennai. Looks gr8. Can't wait to try it. Thanx for sharing.

  2. thanks Rina, I love mine smeared with English mustard, literally mind blowing

  3. Hey, I have never had a Paratha stuffed with meat but now I'm wondering WHY! It looks and sounds so good, I have got to have some!

  4. This is such a great idea! Thank you!

  5. Saj, looks so delicious. can u send some now??!!!!

  6. looks wonderful!
    very good idea..a filling food.

  7. Just looking to the step by step pictures, i am hungry.
    Should try them when i have left over chicken.

  8. Hi Saju, Thanks for the recipe, pls confirm that 1 tblspn of water is enough to mix into a dough for the parathas as it seems very little.....thx

  9. Anon! sorry my bad.
    I meant to write 1 tablespoon of oil.
    and enough water to make a fairly firm dough.
    I have corrected it in the text. sorry about that

  10. Hey Saju, how are you doing? Sorry, haven't been blog-hopping much lately! Lovely parantha! Your way of making stuffed parantha is so typically Punju, with two pooris. Like the pictures, they look wonderful!

  11. chicken paratha wowwww looks deleciousssss have to try once

  12. Oh ! That must have been sooooooooo yummy! Nice idea for stuffed parathas!! Thnx for sharing :-)

  13. Hi Saju, I am a daily visitor to your blog to check out what is the way there use to be the Malido recipe it has disappeared please can you put it back on the blog...the East African influence recipes are too good...we use to have the vitumbua in Kenya fried...they were delicious with the frilly edges

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Saju- Wonderful dish! We love these crepes. We have tagged you for "5 Things Meme." You can participate if you like.

    Happ Holidays to you and your family! See you in 2008.

  16. The parathas have browned so well. Nice pictures.

  17. Saju please could you write to me this is my email and I need to ask you something...thanks in advance

  18. yummy stuff paratha! will surely try this!

  19. The parathas look so scrumtuous (sorry abt the bad spelling). but they absolutely make me drool

  20. Just looking at your foods makes my mouth water and my heart sense the mountains of balochistan. Oh balochistan, how i miss thou, the smell of rose petals, the air so light, the paratas so melty.

  21. Saju - thanks for this post! I have just found your blog and am adding it to my blog roll now... Though as the first commenter said - before I had done any of that, or even written this, I first bookmarked the recipe!
    And I especially like the sound of the English mustard topping =)

  22. hi can you please put the recipe of chicken pies ismaili style


  23. awesome blog ! it is my first time visit i here. i love chicken partha. looks for delicious. thankyou for shearing this information with us!food Delivery

