

Friday 16 November 2007

Friday Evening Meal

On Fridays evening we normally go to khane, so eat our dinner earlier than usual. 6.00pm, in case any of you is passing by!
Since childhood we always had the same menu on Fridays, Dar (Dal), Masala Machi bateta, rice and chapatti. More recently it varies slightly, instead of Machi bateta, we may have a prawns or chicken dish, but dal, rice and chapatti are always on the menu.
The variation on the prawn dishes includes Methi Prawns and Mushrooms, prawns dopiaza, prawns with red peppers. The chicken dishes include Methi chicken, Red pepper and chicken palak.

So today’s menu
Masala Machi Bateta / Masala Fish and Potatoes

Recipes on the way.
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  1. I think that there is a certain comfort is having a particular dish on a particular day at a particular time :)

  2. Aah the joys of the rushed pre-khane meal (always running late!), with the potential of returning home with some great ready made food that I may not have the time or expertise to prepare! Excellent daar recipe by the way
