

Thursday 9 August 2007

Vegan Lunch: A Menu

Hi Everyone,
Next Sunday, I will be cooking lunch for my vegan friends. This should not be very difficult because a lot of Indian cooking is vegetarian. I just have to omit the dairy and the eggs, should not be difficult right?! ;)
It is amazing how often we use yogurt or butter / ghee in our cooking, but I can get soya yogurt and use vegetable oil or margerine.
This is my tentative menu. I am after suggestions and constructive critisism from by readers and fellow bloggers.

The theme is Asian cuisine, I am mixing and matching as I want to try new things for my blog - of course :)

Vegan Sushi (my entry for JFI: Rice),
The fillings I thought of are: cucumber / sweet peppers - other suggetions welcome.
Vegan Gyoza / pot stickers stuffed with shikate mushroom/spring onion mix
Pani puri with Kaala Chana chat

Main Courses
Lotus root / Potato Green Curry
Sweetcorn and red and green peppers in a Spicy Tomato Sauce

Rice - I am not sure whether plain or a shahi pilau type thing -advise please

Vegan Lapsi with lots of nuts and dried fruit


  1. OH DEAR! Vegan party! Can't even choose milk,cheese,eggs nothing!
    Well..good luck and enjoy.
    Pulao sounds great.Poor things,let them enjoy atleast that!;D

  2. My first time here! I would also add carrots and maybe some slices of avacado in the sushi :)

  3. hmm interesting. if you have plans for indian cooking try using tofu for paneer dishes. i also have tough time with this. as asha said pulao sound a good idea and of course the salads. As for sushi i have no idea. At my place my friends do like the biryani/pulao i do have to omit onions and garlic too :)

  4. Sounds great, Saju. Tofu, textured soy protein etc would be great additions too. You can make some vegetables and tofu/soy pulaav, i personally love those. or may be a simple vegetable pulaav would be great too. but great menu, i am self-inviting :).

  5. Menu looks nice. I am looking forward for the sushi recipe. Heard so much about it :)

  6. oh my........vegan party even it's not hard for indians but we can slip something be careful. yha soy products r great for vegans.And ur menu sounds great. enjoy the party.keep posted :)

  7. I was just thinking of labelling my posts as vegan. I realised that so much of what we cook is truly vegan. :-) Our daily food... south indian especially and my guess is north indian too... I almost never use ghee in my cooking, always use groundnut oil... and curds is separate :-) easily omittable.

    but your menu sounds very interesting. Can I pose as one of the vegans and just gatecrash?

  8. Eager to see your recipes. Most of them sounds new to me.
    Have a great time

  9. Eager to see sushi n other recipes.

  10. I am waiting to see the menu that you come up with! It would be nice to see all that on your blog:-)

  11. Hey waiting for the sushi recipe..

  12. Thank you everyone for your comments and ideas.
    I will be including tofu, I can't use avacado because, I will be rolling the sushi today for tomorrow, and I don't want to risk it going brown.
    I will be posting the final menu soon, taking lots of pics while I make the sushi and the gyoza / dumplings.

  13. Wow Saju,

    I love vegan food :) Can I come for the party? I was very excited to read about your meal list. What is Lapsi? Are you going to post the recipes? And take pics, please...
