

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Hot and Sweet Lime Preserve

I recently made Hot and Sweet Lime and Ginger Pickle, I found I could not taste the ginger at all as it was so limey (sharp) tasting.  I have amended this recipe, left out the ginger, and added oranges.  It is perfect so yummy!!

40 Limes
4 level tablespoon salt
5 oranges
3 lemons
1/3 cup water
1 cup brown sugar or jaggery (gur)
5 teaspoon cayenne pepper (reduce if you don't want it so hot)


  1. Slice the limes thinly, add the salt and leave overnight
  2. Strain and place in a pan, add juice of the oranges and lemon
  3. Add water, the liquid should just cover the lime slices.  (if your oranges and lemons are bigger or smaller than mine adjust the amount of water.
  4. Bring to boil and simmer for 2 hours
  5. Add the sugar, bring to quick boil for at least 20 minutes.
  6. Test by placing a drop on a cold saucer in the fridge.  It is ready if it sets.
  7. Turn off the heat and add the cayenne (red chilli) powder, mix.
  8. Place into sterile jars.
Made 6 jars

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