

Tuesday 20 July 2010

Coconut and Mint Chutney

2 cups freshly grated coconut (frozen available in Indian Grocery stores)
1 cup mint (I got them from the garden)
6-7 green chilies
1 lemon; juiced
salt to taste
1 tblespoon oil
1 tspn mustard seeds
2 tspn sesame seeds
6-7 curry leaves

Place the mint leaves, green chillies and lemon juice in a liquidiser, and grind
Add the coconut and liquidise until semi-smooth
Place in a bowl and set aside
Heat the oil, add the mustard and sesame seeds and the curry leaves, cook until the sesame seed are brown and pour the mixture over the chutney.
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1 comment:

  1. I like the new blog design! And boy that chutney looks delicious!
