

Tuesday 20 November 2007


Ma’amoul biscuits / cookies have a shortbread–like crust with a date or nutty filling. The first time I had Ma’amoul pastries was from one of my middle-eastern students, delicious, they literally melt in your mouth.
I never dreamt of making them, until I saw them on Indira’s blog; Mahanandi . She has a beautiful step by step recipe, using a special wooden mold, I could not find any so I have just used a fork to make the designs. But I am going to Dubai in December and I am going to hunt one down!! So be prepared for a deluge of ma’amoul cookies.
1/2 cup semolina
3/4 cup plain flour
1/2 cup melted butter (coolish)
2 tbspn water
1 tblspn orange flower water

For the filling:
250 gm pack of pitted date paste (block); finely chopped

1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/2 cup water
2 tspn orange flower water
1 egg; beate
  1. Place the semolina and flour in a bowl, mix with a fork, add the butter, water and orange flower water, mix with the fork until you get soft dough. Cover and leave for 1 hour
  2. Meanwhile place the dates in a bowl with the water, and microwave for 2 minutes
  3. Stir; add the nuts, mix and place in the microwave for a further 2 minutes.
  4. Stir and let it cool.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180 degree Centigrade or 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
  6. Take a lime-size lump of the pastry, pat it down or roll it out, place a heaped teaspn of filling in the centre, close it, by pinching all the sides, flatten it into a patty like shape and place in on a greased oven tray pinched side down.
  7. Use a fork to press some designs on the pastry.
  8. Brush each patty with the beaten egg. (I forgot to do it –LOL)
  9. Bake for 25 minutes.
These keep for 2 months in an air tight container.


  1. I get these ma'amoul cookies from a local store here, and these are one of the few cookies which are natural and mellow. Yours are looking really good. Like you, i too have enjoyed certain delicacies courtesy friends and colleagues from different parts of the world. I love this lil' sharing that goes on in a multicultural setting, trying to find common foodie references and appreciating the new and the different-i just love that!

  2. is that packet of goodies for me, saju? ;)
    that is one lovely cookie to try, the filling in itself is YUM!!

  3. lovely cookies stuffing looks very yummyyyyyy

  4. gorgeous. which browser do you use, saju? i use IE and am getting some strange commands in your rcipe before and after the numbers.

  5. cookies look lovely. i wanted to participate in this event so badly.. need to "cook up" something :)

  6. Musical, yes foodie interactions are some much fun, even at this level where we are talking to cyber cooks!
    Richa; it is for you! only if you pick it up ;)
    Thanks Sagari
    Bee, I use Mozilla, but I edit the post in word and copy and past.... I just had a look in IE and see what you mean, I am going to edit now, thanks for leting me know
    Nags, I am waiting for your entry

  7. saju, lovely gift! delicious date cookies...
    my post is also a gift for the event :D

  8. Those are so plump! I like them. Good one Saju!:))

  9. Cookies look wonderful. I have never had them, maybe i should try to make them as i have dates at home which i still have to do something about it for AFAM.
    You should sent to AFAM too, dates is the fruit this month.

  10. Wonderful!!!! These look absolutely delicious!!!

  11. What a surprise. I was convinced biscotti were the ones most suitable as a sweet gift (considering their shelf-life) But 2 months??? Wow, now thats something. I am so making these.

    Thank you so much for taking all this time to make em...

  12. I saw these on Indira's blog too. This looks so good Saju. Have bookmarked it to try. WHat is orange flower water though?

  13. lovely date cookies!!!! nice filling....yumm

  14. The cookies look so delicious! Do we get them in India ? any idea?

  15. Wow they look so very good & easy too.

  16. Thanks everyone for you comments.
    Laavanya, orange flower water is distilled from orange blossom and has a lovely aroma see:
    Ashu, I am not sure you get Ma'amoul in India, but you can make them! You can use rose-water if you can't get Orange flower water.

  17. Interesting to know.

  18. Do you know where to buy Maamoul moulds in Dubai? Thanks.

  19. Sajeda: your Ma'mouls look sooooo good - I wish you were my neighbour, so I can come over & steal one of your scrumptious cookies! Thanks a million for the recipe - I'm sure going to try it.
    I still have dates leftover from Ramadhan.
