

Sunday 26 August 2007

Couscous with Tindora and Red Pepper

1 cup couscous
1 and 1/4 cup water
1 cup tindora; washed and sliced in rounds,
1 red romana pepper; sliced into rounds
1 large or 2 small tomatoes; diced
1 tspn mustard seeds
1/2 tspn cumin seeds
5 curry leaves
2 tspn vegetable oil

1. Heat the oil in a pan, add the mustard and cumin seeds and the curry leaves, fry for about a minute, or until the seeds pop.
2. Add the sliced tindora and peppers, fry for about 6-7 minutes, and add the tomatoes, stir and cook for a further 5 minutes.
3, Add the couscous, mix and add the water, cover and cook for 10 minutes.
4. Separate the grains using a fork.
I served my with masala fish; recipe to come.


  1. Mmmmm!!! I love collage of photos, very colorful.Good one Saju:))

  2. Lovely idea, Saju. Quite a healthy and great looking dish this is :).

  3. thanks musical, I must admit, I made couscous because I felt lazy, and coucous is one of tne quickest foods to cook.

  4. love tindora..must try this version. nice pics

  5. Those photos are beautiful! Looks like a healthful meal as well.

  6. It's a really quick meal eh? I just made some couscous with green onions and chick peas. Love the riot of colours in your dish.

  7. a very different combination. looks nice.

  8. I always like your collage of pictures. Good recipe Saju :)

  9. i ate couscous with salad, this is something new for me, interesting!

  10. Cous Cous is not available in India. What would be a good substitute? Sabu Dana?

  11. Cous cous :D with Tindora :( ! now how did you come up with this combo!

  12. Thanks Saju,
    We JUST love your blog!! It's cool and lovely....the cooking is something very different from what we are used to.

  13. Thanks Saju,
    We JUST love your blog. It's cool and very your recipes which are so very different and easy to make.

  14. I would never have thought of using tindora and couscous together...very nice S

  15. I loved the new photo venture you are posting recently...never thought of combining cous cous with tindora... nice idea though, It must have tasted like tindora-upma, right? Loved those masala fish nuggets..

  16. Thanks Rajitha,
    Thanks Kelly, I have just acquired a new camera (bd pressie to self)!
    Thanks Cynthia, yes it so quick and will take up the flavour of anything very easily.
    Thanks Sharmi
    Thanks archana
    Thanks Lia, couscous is great when you want something quick.

    lakshmi, you can use sevya or semolina. I have never tried sabudana, except when we had to eat it at school in a milk pudding, we used to call it frog spawn!

    Coffee; the tindora needed using! that's all.
    Thanks Divya and Chaya for your kind words

    Ashwini, I guess tindora is new to me, and I don't have any preconcived ideas of their use, The tindora need using up and I wanted to make couscous to go with the leftover fish, so that is how they got together!
    Thanks Padma it is my new camera, magic! Your are right it tasted just like tindora-upma.

  17. I love your photos and the combination looks so colorful.

  18. What a colorful dish.I have never used couscous before. Should give this a try.

  19. wow Saju.......what a nice collage.....:-)
    The dishes are simply yummy and healthful :-)
    By the way,I have tagged you for MEME. Please check out my blog for more details when you find time dear :-)
